COVID-19 Update

Due to the Government’s new COVID-19 guidelines we have had to suspend the Cody Makers workshops for the foreseeable future. We will update this page as soon as they can resume.


August is a month of gulls and boats and iced coffee. Our theme for August is Friendship!

I believe summer launches itself in July and by August is in its stride with the weather dipping in and out of heatwaves and downpours. My garden in E6 is usually scorched by August, the lawn dusty and bald, the apple tree ripening its harvest for autumn.

We can all benefit from sharing with friends in August, whether it’s sharing a shady spot under our favourite tree in the park with a picnic or sharing a story or an idea.

Maybe you have a self-care recipe you can pass on to someone who needs a boost, or a ‘mix-tape’ idea for summer tunes you can compile with a friend.

Don’t forget to swing by the Gallery here at Cody Dock where we can sip iced coffee and watch the gulls swoop over the Lea – and you can support your friends at the Dock by joining Cody Maker projects.

Located at the entrance to Cody Dock, the Cody Makers home in the Gallery Space is airy and bright with lots of room to build things, sew, draw, paint and relax – it’s right next to the cafe and a short walk to the river!

Geese at Cody Dock

What Are We Making In August?

Over the next four weeks we will be playing with fabric and fibres! Have you ever woven fabric or made a rag rug? We will try our hand at sewing brooches from fabric scraps and using a sewing machine to make ‘Frankenstein Patches.’

No previous experience of crafting is necessary, I’ll be your guide and we’ll fray and rip fabrics together – there is so much to try.

What we’ve been up to?

June Cody Makers crafted some fantastic birds from scrap wood, paint and rusty bits and bobs.

July was quieter in the Gallery and very warm. I kick started a fabric junk journal, which has been so much (messy) fun!

What are we looking forward to next month?

The theme for September is change & reflection as we explore our making habits and cycles.

Maker Session Dates for August

Wednesdays, 10am – 1pm

August 4th, 11th, 25th & September 1st

There is a £5 charge for these sessions – book online now!

Calling aspiring makers!

This is a shout out to all the makers out there, the crafters who no longer craft but wish they could, the painters and woodworkers who were scolded at school for colouring outside the lines and making wonky objects. It’s time to heal your old school art wounds and reconnect with your making mojo.

Cody Makers offer weekly craft workshops where you can share ideas, learn new skills and make things with your own hands. All this in the heart of the creative community that is Cody Dock.

Jam Jar Tea Lights

Junk Blooms

No-Sew Tote

Checkout our 'Lookbook'!

August: create with mindful abandon.

This month’s Cody Makers is brought to you by the spotted flycatcher, the  thick-thighed flower beetle and cow parsley. These three beauties will guide our crafting in August.

At first glance, spotted flycatchers might seem dull brownish-grey and, well, a bit boring. But watch them fly from a high perch, dash out to grab a flying insect and return to the same spot!

The thick-legged flower beetle is a pollinator of many open-structured flowers including cow parsley, ox-eye daisy and ­­­ bramble.These beetles are most frequently spotted in bright sunlight on flower heads on warm to hot days.

The umbrella-like clusters of white, frothy flowers of cow parsley are a familiar sight along roadsides, hedgerows and woodland edges.

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