Bird watching

We were thrilled to be joined by our amazing ecologist, Gino Brignoli for Bird Watching on 14th August. Cody Dock is a great site for seeing a huge range of birds so we were excited to introduce our Cody Wildlings to this. We were also joined by a fabulous group of young people and youth workers from Ambition, Aspire, Achieve for this session which made it extra special.

We started by constructing our bird field guides – when out and about, observing wildlife, it is good practice to get into the habit of keeping a record of what you see. This can be helpful when trying to get to know a new area and especially when learning to recognize different species. 

Once we were happy with our field guides, we headed out with our binoculars to walk along the river path. We saw an amazing 14 species of bird including Starlings, Sparrows, Gulls, Pigeons and countless Crows. We also took some time to stop and listen as we passed by the reeds and we were very lucky to hear the Reed Warblers singing! 

A Cody Wilding's bird field guidebook

We made notes and sketches in our field guides as we walked and then took time towards the end of the afternoon to add more detail. Sometimes there isn’t time to include all of the information we would like to in our notes when out observing the natural world, so it’s always a good idea to go back to them and fill in any gaps! 

We had time to share notes with each other and to bring our sketches to life by adding colour and some extra detail – this is very useful when identifying species later on.

A cody wildling in the growning space at Cody Dock

We hope our Wildlings enjoyed learning about the birds of Cody Dock and will continue to add to their fabulous field guides!

Some of our partners

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