Sunday 10 December 2pm-6pm
Join us in our winter fair and discover Cody Dock’s festive stalls
- Star Primary School Choir
- Live music
- Café
- German Deli
- Mulled wine & Hot cider
- Traditional outdoor games
- Activities for all ages
If you’re interested in applying for a stall, please complete this form and we will
get back to you with a confirmation email.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
or call our office 020 74 73 04 29.
Did you know that the river Thames froze over 24 times from 1408 to 1814, sometimes lasting long enough to hold a fair on the ice? The frozen river played host to rides, beer tents, ice skaters and once even an elephant! William Shakespeare is said to have moved his Globe theatre across the ice to avoid paying tolls on the bridges, and King Charles I dropped by to enjoy some roast beef.